Customers a year
Types of billboards
Hour operation
How can we help you?
You are your poster. Its content, appearance and quality reflect you and your company. It is important what people think, because so many of them will see it.
There is a monumental tool – the billboard – which the information-hungry eyes of the rushing crowd encounter every day.
Don’t be content with advertising techniques that don’t offer enough space to explore your creativity. What you need is a banner!
Choose a unique decoration for your store, shop window, office, reception, or home – inside and out. Our printing studio will help you with the design, production, and installation.
Szinte bármilyen sík, táblás vagy lemezes alapanyagra nyomtatunk és bármilyen amorf alakot is ki tudunk vágni digitális táblanyomtató és kimetsző gépeinkkel.
The photo enlargements for the Berlin exhibition of ZSOLT REVICZKY, in the digital workshop of our printing studio.
Our principle? We want your customers to be as satisfied as possible, and talk about you wherever they go. Our technical arsenal represents unparalleled high standards in Budapest.
Ever since our establishment in 1992, we have received many awards and much recognition in domestic and international competitions for printing products, which inspires us to go on doing our job with a perfectionist, innovative attitude.
When it comes to printing solutions, we don’t believe in ‘impossible’:
In the Plakátnyomda printing studio we simultaneously use…
– offset,
– digital
– and screen printing.
One printing studio for your entire project. (Full range of print materials: from adhesive posters through billboards to banners.)
Cost-effective solution and guarantee: we strive to achieve the perfect BALANCE between DESIGN and IMPLEMENTATION.
The speed and reliability that you can expect from a market leader.
Did you realize at the very last minute that you also need a poster? Depending on the number of copies and the size, you can have it within a few hours.
Your creativity + our professionalism at Plakátnyomda = successful marketing, successful campaign.
With our printing and processing technologies, we produce leaflets, calendars, posters, folders, billboards, and building meshes – we are experts in printing of many advertising materials.
Any idea you have, you can confidently leave the execution to us.
Digitális táblanyomtatás
Digitális (Hp fb750) táblanyomtató gépünkkel 2.5×3 méteres, valamint 6.4 cm vastagságú bármilyen táblás anyagra tudunk nyomtatni, legyen az karton, hullámkarton, habkarton, habosított pvc, dibond lemez, de akár kőlap, márvány lap, csempe, fém lemez, üveg tábla, falap.
A kasírozás lényege, hogy egy vékony papír vagy öntapadós anyagra készített nyomatot egy vastagabb hordozóra a két anyag precíz, ráncmentes gépi összesimításával ragasztunk fel. Öntapadó és papír kasírozást vállalunk kis és nagy tételben korszerű gépeinkkel.
Gyors határidővel kedvező áron vállalunk stancolást, ritzelést, biegelést, ívlyukasztást 4 mechanikus és 2 digitális stancológép segítségével. Különféle papírdobozok, dossziék, papírtáskák, kartonfigurák, díszcsomagolások, boros dobozok, iratpapucsok, polcos vagy pult displayek és standeek stancolását vállaljuk.
Célunk, hogy elkészült termékeink a lehető legkisebb költséggel, a megfelelő határidőre optimálisan jusson el megrendelőinkhez. Ezért a 30.000 Ft fölötti megrendeléseket egy budapesti címre ingyenesen fuvarozunk. Vidékre, külföldre erre szakosodott fuvarozó cégeket veszünk igénybe.
" When your profession is also your hobby, it is a true privilege. This means that I must have been born under the right constellation. What’s more, I can post any kind of constellation that I like on the wall! "
" It’s uplifting to feel at home in your work. My job is to make sure that our clients feel at home in the world of advertising campaigns. "
" When you work with a company that allows the whole world to open up to you through the work you do, you are truly fortunate. Especially if I can display small representations of that world across the side of a multi-storey building. "
" When you’re lucky enough to learn from the best in the business, and you get paid doing what you love, that’s not a bad situation, right? I have that luxury: every day I get to feel a little bit more, a little bit better, in this fantastic little team. "
Creativity, visual impact, persuasion, brand building – if you’re looking for the best tool, you’ve come to the right place. Our posters, billboards, banners, floor stickers, roll-ups, and adhesive wallpapers will help introduce your company, products, services and brand to the wider public.